Addiction to day to day household products

NAIL PAINT REMOVER:   ( Our subject matter as reported in HT)

There are many things around us of its use 
    1. Solvents: This agent works to hold the color along with other material of the polish until it's applied on the nails. Solvents evaporate instantly after the application of polish. It helps the polish to stick on the nails
    2. Colouring Agents: Pigments function as coloring agents.
In all the above components one or the other is necessarily harmful to the health in one or the other way. 

Nail polish remover is an organic solvent. Although nail paint removers can be packed in different ways mostly these are available in the form of bottles. A very powerful solvent known as acetone is inter alia used in nail paint removers. In fact organic liquids such as benzene, Carbon tetrachloride, etc. are harmful to children. When inhaled these may cause intoxication and also may harm the kidney, liver, and brain because of prolonged use as inhaling.  Acetone used in this product is rather more toxic.

It may have the following health effects:

1.      The apparent effect can be seen on the skin in the form of redness, rashes, itching, and irritating.
2.      If inhaled regularly for a prolonged period it may be the reason of coughing, dizziness, dullness, and headache among the children. The central nervous system depression and even unconsciousness may also happen in case of higher concentration.
3.      If it is swallowed in larger amount it may cause Ingestion, vomiting abdominal pain, respiratory system may affect lungs also.
The list is not exhaustive different studies done may reveal further details in this regard.


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